Martin-McLean Literary Associates LLC represents established and new writers in the following genres:
fiction, mysteries, true crime, literary fiction and non-fiction, biographies, history, memoirs, self-help and how-to, sports, animals, religious and new age. We do not handle writers outside the USA.
First-time writers are welcome and we work diligently to sell all the work we represent. Each manuscript is introduced to editors by telephone or email, before the submission is made. Writers will welcome the attentive detail given their manuscripts since publishing houses can no longer afford to provide the extensive editing services they once did. We can provide editing should it be necessary.
We represent only the most professional projects for submission to our respected list of publishers. They count on the agent to screen and polish proposals, and present work that is ready for publication.
Hundreds of writers have found that Martin-McLean Literary Associates LLC can match the right publisher to their works. We tap an extensive field of publishers and other writing professionals, selecting from a number of variables for stability and promotional efforts. It takes an exemplary effort to ensure this match.
Once your work is sold, your contract is thoughtfully and carefully negotiated to meet your needs.
Fiction: Should include a single-spaced one page synopsis, your own brief bio as it relates to your writing career, and contact information, including your email address, mailing address and phone numbers. Send your entire manuscript with return postage.
Non-fiction: Send 50 to 100 pages of your work, your author’s bio, a preface or introduction of no more than 6 pages, and a chapter summary. Select your best 2-3 chapters, not necessarily in their order but always include the first chapter. Always remember to include the SASE.
Upon receipt of your material, you will be contacted within four weeks. We will either offer representation or make suggestions for revision to make your work marketable. When you are ready to proceed, send us your revised manuscript or your completed contract. Standard commission is 15%.
Please send all requested material to:
Martin-McLean Literary Associates LLC
5023 W. 120th Ave. #228
Broomfield, CO 80020
Office: (303) 465-2056